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FALL 20 2 4 8Continued on next pageHIGHLIGHTS FROM BRPELS MEETING MINUTESAaron Blaisdell and James WenglerLS members of BRPELSHere are the survey-relevant portions of the Board of Registration%u2019s published meeting minutes and Journal. I edited some, added editorials to some and I make no guarantee that I got everything nor that everything is relevant. The full minutes are posted on the BRPELS website. Go take a look.Practice Committee - April 19, 2024Interagency Agreement with WSDOT: The committee reviewed the 1990 Interagency Agreement with WSDOT regarding when WSDOT employees are allowed to perform surveys when not licensed but are under the direct supervision of a licensed professional land surveyor or licensed professional engineer. Guest, Vince Brown, informed the committee that in 1998 the Board issued a %u201cwarning%u201d letter about DOT activities and since that letter was issued, they have not been performing surveying without a licensed PLS in responsible charge.Exam Qualifications Committee %u2013 April 22, 2024: March 2024 State PLS examination: 44 individuals took the exam and 27 passed for a 61% pass rate.Survey Committee %u2013 April 24, 2024: PDH Audit: Jill Short presented a table showing the breakdown of PDH credits (per categories in WAC 196-16-120) based on PDH audits of PLS%u2019s between November 2023 and the week prior to this committee meeting. There was discussion about opening a CR-101 for possible changes to WAC 196-16-120%u201cUnits%u201d.Misuse of topographic map data: There was discussion about survey map data, especially topographic map data, being used and sometimes modified by other professionals when used in plan/design sets. Tom Barger presented five (5) recent examples of this happening with surveys done by him (or his office).Strategic Planning Items:%u2022 Determine the pathways to state-specific PLS exam. No discussion at this meeting.%u2022 Work with DNR on proposed update of Survey Recording Act (RCW 58.09) and associated WACs and RCWs. Engage with appropriate stakeholders. No discussion at this meeting.Action Items:%u2022 This committee will recommend to the Board that a CR-101 be opened, for refreshing WAC196-16-120 Units (PDH).%u2022 Staff will engage with other professional boards, concerning the use of survey data by those professionals.%u2022 Staff will contact the parties involved in the five (5) examples that Tom Barger provided of survey data being used and modified in plan sets.%u2022 ill Short will track, separately, the PDH units used by those Professional Land Surveyors who are respondents in a complaint. PDH information provided by the respondent for each case will be provided to the case manager.Executive Committee %u2013 June 12, 2024Greg unveiled the character %u201cBlaze%u201d that is being used in the Get Kids Into Surveying campaign. He explained that this organization tries to get kids into surveying and that this character is used in their publications, along with other characters in their outreach endeavors. Mr. Blaisdell stated he had concerns with the character and did not think the character was appropriate.Practice Committee %u2013 June 12, 2024Interagency Agreement (MOU) with WSDOT Update: Jim Wengler and Kris Horton met with representatives from DNR and WSDOT to discuss the outdated interagency agreement. Representatives from WSDOT are going to research the current laws and their procedures. Another meeting is scheduled for June 17th and the Practice Committee will be updated at their next meeting.PDH Audits Update: Staff gave an update on the current audits of PLS%u2019. Staff have been able to get the report for licensees who have been audited through Polaris. The automatic notices sent out by Polaris will be updated with the correct language and reporting directions. As of May 2024, 22 licensed PLS%u2019 have been selected for a random audit and 6 have been audited through the complaint process. The Survey Committee will be looking at the individual units within the WAC for relevance. Also they will be reviewing if the qualifying units should require a minimum or maximum total number per year.