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P. 9 9Continued on next pageContinued from previous pageSurvey Committee %u2013 June 12, 2024PDH Audits: Based on recent PDH audits of PLS%u2019s, discussions included: a.) That PDH audits will be part of the complaint process; b.) If there are some units that should be limited or required; c.) Reaching out to LSAW about providing trainings based on areas lacking in PDH reports, and: d.) The benefits of requiring professional development training. There was also some discussion about being too restrictive with requirements for PDH units. The CR-101 for possible changes to WAC 196-16-120 has been opened.Misuse of topographic map data: There was a follow-up discussion about survey map data, especially topographic map data, being used and sometimes modified by other professionals when used in plan/design sets, which was presented and discussed at the April 2024 Survey Committee Meeting. Jill Short and Kris Horton met with Board Member Executives from DOL who manage other professional licensing boards, to discuss this matter. They would like complaints filed when these issues occur, so that they can track and deal with them. They asked that Jill or Kris send them copies of the five (5) recent examples presented by Tom Barger at the April 2024 Survey Committee meeting. There was discussion about outreach opportunities with other boards and licensees.Strategic Planning - Action Items %u2022 Committee members will individually evaluate the PDH units in WAC 196-16-120 for relevance, and if the PDHs allowed for each unit are appropriate or if there is a max/min needed. They will send a report of their evaluation to Kris Horton or Jill Short by July 5, 2024.%u2022 The following items will be added to the August 2024 Survey Committee meeting agenda: PDH compilation report; PLS Exam Project update; Continue the discussion about surveyor%u2019s data used by other licensees without their knowledge.Board/Staff Affiliate Involvement - NCEES Western Zone Meeting Mr. Peden acknowledged Mr. Blaisdell as the new NCEES Western Zone Vice President and expressed excitement for more involvement with NCEES.From the Spring/Summer 2024 JournalInvestigations and Enforcement %u2013 Professional Land SurveyingThe following case summaries outline disciplinary actions against licensees from November 2023 to April 2024. In each disposition, the Board accepted the recommendations of the Case Manager, unless stated otherwise. For those cases involving a Board order, each licensee may be monitored for compliance with the conditions imposed in the order.Complaint Summary by ProfessionThe summary information is provided to educate licensees on events and circumstances that come before the Board for investigation. In some cases, no disciplinary action is taken because either the allegations are unsubstantiated, fall outside the scope of jurisdiction of the Board, or become unnecessary because of corrective measures taken.The decisions of the Board members who work as case managers of the investigations are based upon their professional opinions of the severity of the infraction and the best course of action to appropriately resolve issues. It would be incorrect to interpret any one, or several dispositions, as the Board%u2019s view how all such cases will be handled in the future.These summaries are not intended to disclose complete details related to any given investigation or action. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of the information shown, anyone intending to make decisions based upon this information, should first contact the Board office for more details. Finally, these summaries do not include cases closed during administrative review.Investigations and Enforcement Cases:Formal Action - Peter Jonas, PLS2021-04-1006-00LSVAn investigation was opened and charges issued, based on a complaint alleging the Respondent, Peter Jonas, performed an erroneous survey and had several deficiencies on his original survey and amended record of surveys, all of which were found to be in violation of Chapter 58.09 RCW and Chapter 332-130 WAC.The Board and the Respondent agreed to the following terms: Effective June 22, 2023, the Respondent%u2019s professional land surveyor license will be permanently retired in lieu of disciplinary action.