LSAW provides three seminars each year for which continuing education credits are earned. These seminars are offered to LSAW members at greatly discounted rates. Click here to see a list of upcoming seminars.
LSAW's Annual Conference is another way for members to earn continuing education credits, network, and share with other surveying professionals. It is also a great way to view the latest technology all in one place. Click here for the latest information on this year's Annual Conference.
LSAW publications, such as the LSAW Reference Manual, Reference Manual Update and the Washington State Common Law of Surveys and Property Boundaries, are available to members at discounted prices. Click here to view the LSAW store and the publications offered.
Members receive LSAW's quarterly publication, the Evergreen Surveyor, which contains articles and information pertinent to the surveying profession. Click here to view the current and past issues of The Evergreen Surveyor.
LSAW makes contributions to various scholarship programs to promote the education of students pursuing careers in surveying.
LSAW has representation on many National and State boards, including the Western Federation of Professional Surveyors, National Society of Professional Surveyors, Architects & Engineers Legislative Council, American Congress on Surveying & Mapping, Department of Natural Resources, and Washington State Board of Registration. LSAW's legislative program is extremely active and acts as a watchdog for it's members and their concerns.
LSAW is comprised of 12 Chapters throughout the state, affording each member an opportunity to attend monthly meetings in a local setting. Chapter meetings offer a variety of guest speakers, programs and social interaction with each member's local surveying community. Click here to learn more about LSAW Chapters.
LSAW promotes the public's positive perception of the surveying profession.
Being a member of LSAW can advance your career and your business. Get involved in the Association and people will know your name!
Click here to download membership application